The Role of Communication, Localization and Control in UAV systems

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), referred also as to drones, find application in many fields. In my recent keynote at the IEEE Intellect 2019 Conference, I gave an overview of key applications and discussed the main research challenges: communications, localization, path planning and control.

You may watch the video of my presentation !

Further reading

B. Salamat, A.M. Tonello, “Stochastic Trajectory Generation Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs),” Aerospace 2017, 4(2), 27, 2017.

A. Papaiz, A. M. Tonello, “Azimuth and Elevation Dynamic Tracking of UAVs via 3-Axial ULA and Particle Filtering,” International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, vol. 2016, Article ID 7630950.

B. Salamat, A. M. Tonello, “Adaptive Nonlinear PID Control for a Quadrotor UAV Using Particle Swarm Optimization,” Proc. of IEEE Aerospace 2019, Yellowstone, USA, March 2-9, 2019.

A. M. Tonello, V. Pathuri, “Exploiting Antenna Arrays for Position Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” Proc. of ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas 2018.

B. Salamat, A. M. Tonello, “Novel Trajectory Generation and Adaptive Evolutionary Feedback Controller for Quadrotors,” Proc. of IEEE Aerospace 2018.

B. Salamat, A. M. Tonello, “Altitude and Attitude Tracking of a Quadrotor Helicopter UAV Using a Novel Evolutionary Feedback Controller,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies 2017.

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