AAU Klagenfurt

NES Institute

EcoSys Lab

Alumni Testimonials
world … I would like to thank him for the opportunity to become a member of
his research group. This has enriched me as engineer from a professional experience point
of view, and has stimulated in me the interest and the passion to the RF and microwave issues …
Education Programs at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
The Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt offers excellent education opportunities in Information and Communication Engineering (ICE) through a Bachelor, Master and PhD program.
The 3-years Informationstechnik Bachelor trains basic skills in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, and software development. It also covers electronics and circuits, signals and systems, measurement and control engineering, computer and network technology.
The 2-years ICE Master program provides substantial knowledge, skills, and methods in ICT. Students not only gain broad knowledge, but also specialize in one of the two majors: Networks and Communications, or Autonomous Systems and Robotics. A third major is a combination of ICE and economics and business lectures (in German: “Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen”). The master program is held in English and thus allows international students to join our courses. An international double degree program with the University of Udine is also available.
The Doctoral program is individually tailored to the respective research topic, where supervisors act as guides toward the PhD. Most of the doctoral students are employed in research projects or funded by international programs. Students are expected to publish research results in international journals and present at peer-reviewed conferences.
More information can be found at the following links:
- Alpen-Adria-Universität
- Faculty of Technical Sciences
- Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems
- Embedded Communication Systems Group
- Admission office
Download the ICE_flyer_2016 program.
Prof. Tonello offers the following lectures and seminars at the University of Klagenfurt:
Signal Processing for Communications
Master lecture, winter semester
Signal theory, random processes, complex signals representation, analog modulation, optimum quantization, digital modulation and optimum detection, optimal sequence estimation and linear equalization algorithms.
Power Line Communications
Master lecture, summer semester.
PLC applications, PLC channel characterization and measurements, PLC channel modeling, transmission line theory, modulation techniques for PLC, MAC an cooperative protocols for PLC, narrow band and broad band standards.
Advanced Wireless Communications
Master lecture, summer semester, jointly within the double degree with University of Udine, Italy.
Cellular principles, mobile radio channel modeling, digital modulation in fading channels, MIMO techniques, multicarrier modulation, code-division-multiple-access, ultra wide band, radio localization.
Communications (Nachrichtentechnik)
Bachelor lecture, summer semester
Signals and systems, Fourier series and Fourier transform, Elements of random variables and processes, Transmission of information, Base band and pass band modulation techniques.
Digital Signal Progessing (Digitalesignalverarbeitung)
Bachelor lecture, summer semester, by external lecturer
Digital signals and systems, Fourier and Laplace transform for discrete time signals, digital filters and design methods, principles of multirate signal processing.
Doctoral Seminar in Networked and Embedded Systems
PhD seminar, winter and summer semesters
Selected topics in communications, embedded systems, smart systems, smart grids, smart car.
Research Project in Embedded Systems and Signal Processing
Master seminar, winter and summer semesters
Simulation, prototyping, measurement activities.
Research Seminar in Machine Learning and Embedded Communication Systems
Master seminar, winter semesters
Selected research topics in communications and embedded systems using machine learning.
Research Seminar in HW and SW Aspect of Machine Learning for Embedded Communication Systems
Master seminar, summer semesters
Selected research topics in hw/sw aspects of machine learning.
Seminar in Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems
Master/Bachelor seminar, winter and summer summer semesters
Dive into recent topics in communications and embedded systems.
Laboratories and courses offered by teaching assistants
L1. Signal Processing for Communications (master)
L2. Machine Learning for Information and Communication Engineering
L3. Simulation of Communication Systems (master)
L4. Montecarlo Simulation of Communication Systems (master)
L5. Statistical Signal Processing and Applications (master)
L6. IoT and Smart Buildings (master)
L7. Communications for Smart Grids (master)
L8. Power Line Communication Lab (master)
L9. Grundlagenlabor: Eingebettete Systeme und Messtechnik (bachelor)
L10. Nachrichtentechnik (bachelor)
L10. Digitalesignalverarbeitung (bachelor)
Academic collaborations and study exchange opportunities
A number of agreements have been made with international universities to foster collaboration in teaching and research.
- University of Udine, Italy: double master degree program in electrical engineering
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: faculty of electrical engineering, ERASMUS agreement
- University of Osijek, Croatia: faculty of electrical engineering, ERASMUS agreement
- University of Deusto, Spain: faculty of electrical engineering, ERASMUS agreement
- University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina: faculty of electrical engineering, bilateral agreement
- University of Novi Sad, Serbia: faculty of electrical engineering, memorandum of understanding
- INSA Rennes, France, memorandum of understanding
- University of Belgrade, Serbia, ERASMUS KA1 agreement
- University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERASMUS KA1 agreement
- Arab Academy of Engineering, Egypt, ERASMUS KA1 agreement
- University of Alexandria, Egypt, ERASMUS KA1 agreement
- University of Aswan, Egypt, ERASMUS KA1 agreement