Some years ago a novel filter bank modulation technique was conceived: Cyclic Filter Bank Modulation (CB-FMT) [1]-[2]. The main principles, efficient realization and equalization in double selective channels were studied. More recently, thanks to the cooperation with colleagues at UC3M, the channel estimation problem was addressed and new results have been obtained. Given the spectral characteristics of CB-FMT, the idea of superimposed pilot pouring was conceived. Results can be seen in papers [3] and [4].
Further readings
[1] A. M. Tonello, “Method and apparatus for filtered multitone modulation using circular convolution,” UD2008A000099, PCT WO2009135886A1, 2008.[2] A. M. Tonello, M. Girotto: Cyclic Block Filtered Multitone Modulation, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014.
[3] K. Chen-Hu, M. J. Fernandez-Getino Garcia, A. M. Tonello, A. Garcia Armada, “Low-Complexity Power Allocation in Pilot-Pouring Superimposed-Training over CB-FMT,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021.
[4] K. Chen-Hu, M. J. Fernandez-Getino Garcia, A. M. Tonello, A. Garcia Armada, “Pilot Pouring in Superimposed Training for Channel Estimation in CB-FMT,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021.