I was awarded the Chair of Excellence 2019-20 at Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain, and given the opportunity to cooperate in the domain of connectivity and signal processing for smart [...]
Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) need to be connected exploiting a communication infrastructure based on robust, low latency, energy efficient transmission technology. Drones can also be [...]
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), referred also as to drones, find application in many fields. In my recent keynote at the IEEE Intellect 2019 Conference, I gave an overview of key applications [...]
Sarmad Shaikh succesfully completed his PhD under my supervision defending the thesis “Radio Localization Based on Angle of Arrival in EM Lens Assisted Massive MIMO” on [...]
Radio access networks are moving towards the small-cell based paradigm, where the macro-cell base stations are aided by additional ones with small coverage but high traffic capabilities. This is [...]