“Can we derive the topology of a wireline grid and more in particular of a smart grid ? This is the question that I asked to myself”, prof. Tonello says. Why is the topology knowledge [...]
“While physical layer security (PLS) is a well understood topic in wireless communications, we have only recently addressed PLS in PLC. The PLC channel has very peculiar characteristics that [...]
I am looking for excellent and motivated candidates for the following positions. If you are interested, please send me your application and CV specifying the position you are applying for. PhD [...]
Filter bank modulation schemes for transmission over wide band channels are becoming more and more relevant for future wireless and wireline communication systems. The most popular technique is [...]
Power distribution grids provide a physical medium not only for power delivery but also for data transmission through Power Line Communication (PLC) systems. However, since such a medium has not [...]
There has been a tremendous growth of services and applications that exploit location information provided by positioning technology e.g. navigation systems, location aware communication [...]