How will we communicate in the future ? I shared some thoughts in a recent interview for Ad Astra – The magazine for science and culture of the University of Klagenfurt. You can read [...]
I was awarded the Chair of Excellence 2019-20 at Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain, and given the opportunity to cooperate in the domain of connectivity and signal processing for smart [...]
Federico Passerini, former PhD student of mine, has received the Award of Excellence – State Prize for Best Dissertations, from the Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Austria. [...]
Federico Passerini successfully completed his PhD under my supervision defending the thesis “Exploitation of the power line channel properties to enable new applications” on February [...]
I have organized several events covering the area of smart energy grids. Workshop on PLC 2009 IEEE ISPLC 2011 IEEE SmartGridComm 2014 Workshop on PLC 2015 Workshop on Smart Grid Technologies 2018 [...]
Home energy management systems can be used to monitor and optimize consumption and local production from renewable energy. To assess solutions before their deployment, researchers and designers [...]
The high amount of applications to be implemented in the Smart Grid requires bi-directional connectivity between a multitude of nodes with a reliable, high speed, low latency, energy efficient [...]
WiTiKee s.r.l. is a spin-off company of A. Tonello’s lab whose activity focuses on research and development in the field of information and communications technologies for sustainability in [...]
WiTiKee s.r.l. is a spin-off company of A. Tonello’s lab whose activity focuses on research and development in the field of information and communications technologies for sustainability in [...]
The idea of processing and dispatching units of electrical energy has been around since some time and rhetorically referred to as Internet of energy, Energy of internet, Packet energy, Bit [...]