The Alpen-Adria-Universität is partner of a new three years project “Smart Grid Technology” that aims at the development of a master program in smart grid technology through the collaboration between a consortium consisting of 3 European and 4 Egyptian universities with key competence in different fields: electrical power and control engineering, information and communications engineering, mechanical/chemical engineering, industrial/management engineering.
The project will develop a up-to-date program with 24 courses, new laboratories, and involvement of the key stakeholders through a number of workshops, seminars and surveys.
“I am convinced of the importance of modernizing our curricula and establishing international cooperation which can enhance the interactions in both research and teaching involving students and scientists exchanges”, prof. Tonello says. “Smart grid topics and classes developed in this project will serve to broaden and strengthen our master program in information and communication technologies and render it more attractive”, prof. Tonello adds.