Very honored to have received the Best Paper Award at IEEE ISPLC 2021 together with Nunzio Letizia. Very encouraging to keep working on novel neural channel capacity estimators and capacity [...]
The channel capacity ! Any engineer or scientist working on communication technology is fascinated by the challenge of designing technology that allows to reliably send information at the maximum [...]
This post is an excerpt from an article appeared in ESI Africa magazine. With the use of ubiquitous PLC, reduced deployment time and costs as well as increased maintenance planning are [...]
State-of-the-art power line communications (PLC) channel models follow either a bottom-up or a top-down strategy. The forner uses transmission line theory and it captures the physics of [...]
The most comprehensive text on Power Line Communications is now available. The book is co-edited by by L. Lampe, A. M. Tonello, T. Swart. It shows some adjustments w.r.t. the previous edition in [...]
(IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Preprint) In recent decades, power line communication has attracted considerable attention from the research community and industry, as well as [...]