Internet of Energy, Packet Energy, Quantum Energy
The idea of processing and dispatching units of electrical energy has been around since some time and rhetorically referred to as Internet of energy, Energy of internet, Packet energy, Bit [...]
The idea of processing and dispatching units of electrical energy has been around since some time and rhetorically referred to as Internet of energy, Energy of internet, Packet energy, Bit [...]
Another PreDoc Scientist (Universitätsassistent/in) in Embedded Communication Systems The Embedded Communication Systems group is searching for a predoc scientist (assistant) to carry out [...]
PreDoc Scientist (Universitätsassistent/in) in Embedded Communication Systems The Embedded Communication Systems group is searching for a predoc scientist (assistant) to carry out research in [...]
Stochastic Trajectory Generation Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has been selected as the best research article published in 2017 in the [...]
On April 25, 2018 an article appeared on the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. It is about PLC…the least publicized, most mysterious and most underestimated communications technology. The [...]
Radio access networks are moving towards the small-cell based paradigm, where the macro-cell base stations are aided by additional ones with small coverage but high traffic capabilities. This is [...]
The Workshop on Future Smart Grid Technologies (WSGT 18) will be held at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt on 26-27 February 2018. The workshop is an international premier event where to [...]
I just received the news that I have been appointed IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer for the term 2018-19. ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer Program provides the means for ComSoc chapters and other [...]
An extremely relevant task is to grant safety, reliability and uninterrupted availability of transmission and distribution power grids. In one word, maintenance is fundamental in power grids. [...]
Andrea Tonello interviewed by Katharina Tischler-Banfield for ad astra Power Line Communication (PLC) uses electricity cables to transmit data. Andrea M. Tonello, professor at the [...]