If you are interested on IoT, you may want to see a recent interview made by prof. Jorge Finochietto from the University of Cordoba, Argentina. Hers is the video “Conversatorio Andrea [...]
Very honored to have received the Best Paper Award at IEEE ISPLC 2021 together with Nunzio Letizia. Very encouraging to keep working on novel neural channel capacity estimators and capacity [...]
There will be soon an open position for a pre-doc assistant at the University of Klagenfurt. Open/close data for application 6/10/21-27/10/21 Start date mid November 2021 4 years contract If you [...]
Path planning is a fundamental component for the control of autonomous vehicles (AVs), e.g., for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). There exist a plethora of path planning methodologies, each [...]
I have an open position for a pre-doc scientist. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in a lively and international environment, and you have the ambition to contribute to science, you are [...]
The channel capacity ! Any engineer or scientist working on communication technology is fascinated by the challenge of designing technology that allows to reliably send information at the maximum [...]