Andrea Tonello received the doctor of engineering degree in electronics (summa cum laude, 1996) and the doctor of research degree in telecommunications from the University of Padova (2002).
On February 1997 he joined as Member of Technical Staff, Bell Labs – Lucent Technologies where he worked on the development of base band algorithms for cellular handsets first in Holmdel, NJ, and then within the Philips/Lucent Consumer Products Division in Piscataway, NJ. From September 1997 to December 2002 he was with the Bell Labs Advanced Wireless Technology Laboratory, Whippany, NJ. He was promoted at the end of 2001 to Technical Manager and he was appointed Managing Director of the Bell Labs Italy division. He conducted research on wireless systems, on air interface design and performance analysis. He was responsible for fostering research initiatives with industrial and academic institutions. He was involved in the standardization of the evolution of 2G and 3G celluar technology.
On January 2003, he joined the University of Udine, Italy, as Research Scientist. He became Aggregate Professor in 2005 and Associate Professor in 2014. In 2013 he was awarded the Italian Full Professor Habilitation. Herein, he founded and coordinated the Wireless and Power Line Communication Lab (WiPLi Lab) supervising the activity of over 60 among researchers and graduate students. The activity of the lab received about 3 MEuros funding and focused on next generation wireless systems, infomobility and vehicular networks, power line communications including in-home and smart grid. He also founded WiTiKee s.r.l. a spinf off company of the lab focusing on power line communications for the grid.
He then moved to the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, where he currently chairs the Embedded Communication Systems Group.
In his role as a professor, he regularly offers classes on communication theory, signal processing, wireless and power line communications. He is active in promoting the internationalization of education programs. He was the promoter of several Erasmus/Socrates agreements, actively participated to the implementation of international master programs in electrical and information engineering, and he coordinated two Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects. He was a representative for the University of Udine in the Institutional Human Resources Strategy Group that aims at implementing the European charter for researchers and the code of conduct of the recruitment of researchers.
His research interests focus on wireless and power line communications, networked and embedded systems, electronics for communications, smart transportation and smart grids. He authored over 250 peer reviewed papers, 1 book and 9 book chapters, 10 patents and several standard contributions.
Dr. Tonello carried out research in 15+ institutional projects and in a number of industrial projects with a total budget exceeding 25 MEuros. He received several awards and recognitions among which the UC3M Chair of Excellence 2019/20. He offered over 30 invited talks and tutorials. He has/had journal editorial roles and chairman roles in conferences.
He has also been active in volunteering activities in IEEE, where he has served as ComSoc Director of Industry Outreach, the Chair of the Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications, and the Chair of the Technical Committee on Power Line Communications.
He is/was a member of the professional societies IEEE, EURASIP, ATA (past), IEICE (past), and of the Rotary International service organization.
Main current roles
- Chair of the Embedded Communication Systems Group, University of Klagenfurt; AT
- Part Time Associate Professor, University of Udine, IT
- Associate Editor of IET Smart Grid, Journal of Energy and AI
- Member of the Steering Committee of IEEE SmartGridComm
- Distinguished Speaker of IEEE Communications Society
- Distinguished Speaker of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Main past roles
- Vice-chair of Ubiquitous Sensing Lab (USE Lab), AT
- Director of IEEE ComSoc Industry Outreach
- Aggregate Professor University of Udine, IT
- President of WiTiKee s.r.l., IT
- Chair of Excellence Holder Carlos III Universidad Madrid, ES
- Royal Academy of Engineering Distinguished Visiting Fellow, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Director of Bell Labs Italy Division, US
- Technical Manager Bell Labs – Lucent Technologies, US
- Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications
- Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Power Line Communications
- Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS, IEEE TCOM, IEEE TVT
- Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society
- Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
1999. Bell-Labs Lucent Recognition of Excellence Award in 1999 for his work on enhanced receiver techniques.
2000. Student Grant Award for his paper on space-time coding at IEEE Globecom 2000.
2006. StartCup Udine 2006 co-recepient of the third prize for the best innovative start-up business plan.
2007. StartCup Udine 2007 co-recepient of a recognition of merit for one of the eight best business plans.
2007. EURASIP Journal Paper Award 2007 for the best paper published on the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.
2010. IEEE ISPLC 2010 Best Student Paper Award (co-author with F. Versolatto).
2010. Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award 2010.
2011. IEEE ISPLC 2011 Best Student Paper Award (co-author with. M. Antoniali, M. Lenardon and A. Qualizza).
2011. IEEE VTC 2011 Spring Best Paper Award MIMO Track (co-author with N. Moret and S. Weiss).
2011. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer for years 2011-13.
2013. IEEE ISPLC 2013 Best Student Paper Award (co-author with M. Antoniali and M. De Piante).
2013. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer for years 2013-15.
2013. Italian Full Professor Habilitation 2013.
2015. IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Speaker for years 2015-17.
2016. IEEE ISPLC 2016 Best Paper Award (co-author with M. De Piante).
2016. IEEE ISPLC 2016 Best Student Paper Award (co-author with W. Bakkali, P. Pagani, T. Chonavel).
2016. IET Premium Award 2016 for the best paper published on IET Communications (co-author with A. Pittolo).
2018. Best Paper Award 2017 in MDPI Aerospace (co-author with B. Salamat).
2018. IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer for years 2018-19.
2019. IEEE Communications Society TC-PLC Outstanding Service Award.
2019. IEEE Communications Society TC-PLC Interdisciplinary and Application Research Award.
2019. INSA Rennes Visiting Professorship.
2019-20. Chair of Excellence Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
2021. IEEE ISPLC 2021 Best Paper Award (co-author with A. N. Letizia).
2022. Maria Zambrano visiting fellowship, UC3M, Spain (declined).
2007-13. Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
2011-2013. Editorial Board member of ISRN Communications and Networking
2012-18. Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, for multicarrier and power line communication systems
2013-19. Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS
2014-17. Editor of the AEÜ International Journal of Electronics and Communications
2017-19. Associate Editor of IET Smart Grid
2018-19. Editor Section IoT, Sensors
2020-21. Editor Elsevier Journal of Energy and Artificial Intelligence
2020-21. Advisory Board Member of IET Smart Grid
2011. Guest co-editor (with L. Lampe and D. Shaver) of IEEE Communications Magazine special issue on PLC for the Smart Grid and Automation Networks
2012. Guest co-editor (with J. Anatory, M. Ribeiro and A. Zeddam) of Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hindawi, special issue on Power-Line Communications: Smart Grid, Transmission, and Propagation
2015. Guest co-editor (with D. Malone, L. Lampe and A. Dabak) of IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Power Line Communications and its Integration with the Networking Ecosystem
2018. Guest co-editor (with D. Zagar, K. Grgic M. Zajc, C. McGregor) of Security and Communication Networks, Wiley, special issue on Cybersecurity in Distributed Smart Systems
2019. Guest co-editor (with K. Rabie, N. Al-Dhahir, A. Sendin, J. Song) of IEEE Access, special section on Advances in Power Line Communication and its Applications
2020. Guest co-editor (with M. Levorato, C. Masouros, C. Papadias, Y. Zeng ) of IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, special section on Aerial Wireless Networks: Drones for Communications and Communications for Drones
2020. Guest co-editor (with A. Sendin ) of MDPI Energies, special issue on New Challenges and Innovative Solutions for Power Line Communication Evolution
2020. Guest co-editor (with M. Erol-Kantarci, G. C. Alexandropoulos, P. H. Joo Chong, Y. Zhang) of IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, special issue on Communications and Computing for Green Industrial IoT and Smart Grids
2009-18. Steering committee member of IEEE ISPLC
2011-12. Chair of TC-PLC Awards and nominations committee for the term 2011-12
2010-12 and 2012-14. Vice Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Power Line Communications
2014-16 and 2016-18. Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Power Line Communications
2014-TD. Member of the steering committee of IEEE SmartGridComm
2020-21. Member of the Awards and Nominations Committee of the IEEE TC-PLC
2020-21. Member of the IEEE ComSoc Global Chapter Leaders Congress (GCLC)
2020-21. Member of the IEEE ComSoc Marketing Board
2020-21 and 2022-23. Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Smart Grid Communications
2020-21. Director of IEEE Industry Outreach Board
2007. TPC Co-chair of IEEE ISPLC 2007
2008. TPC Co-Chair of the IEEE Globecom 2008 General Symposium
2009. Area Chair for the track signal processing for communications at EUSPICO 2009
2009. Chair of the Workshop on Power Line Communications 2009, Udine, Italy
2010. Co-Chair of the track on mobile satellite and positioning systems at IEEE VTC 2010 Fall
2011. Chair of IEEE ISPLC 2011
2011. Co-Chair of tutorials at ACM MSWiM 2011
2012. Co-Chair of Special sessions and panels at IEEE ISPLC 2012
2012. Co-Chair of Symposium on Smart Metering Infrastructure Networks and Data at IEEE SmartGridComm 2012
2013. Co-Chair of Symposium on Smart Grid and Power Line Communications at IEEE ICC 2013
2013. Area Co-Chair at EUSIPCO 2013, Signal processing for communications
2014. General Co-Chair of IEEE SmartGridComm 2014
2015. Co-Chair at EUSIPCO 2015, Signal processing for communications
2015. Chair of the Workshop on Power Line Communications 2015, Klagenfurt, Austria
2016. TPC of the Workshop on Power Line Communications 2016, Paris, France
2017. TPC Co-Chair of IEEE SmartGridComm 2017, Dresden, Germany
2017. TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ISPLC 2017, Madrid, Spain
2017. TPC Co-Chair of the Workshop on Power Line Communications 2016, Prague, Czeck Republic
2018. Chair of Workshop on Future Smart Grids, Klagenfurt, Austria
2018. Industrial Track Co-Chair of IEEE ISPLC 2018, Manchester, UK
2019. Co-Chair Communication Theory Symposium, IEEE Globecom 2019, Hawaii, USA.
2019. TPC Co-Chair IEEE ISPLC 2019, Prague, Czech Rep.
2020. Publicity Co-Chair of BalcanComm 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia.
2024. General Co-Chair of SmartGridComm 2024, Oslo, Norvey.
TPC Memberships
- TPC member of IEEE ISPLC 2005-16, GLOBECOM 2006-16, ICC 2008-16, VTC, WCNC 2009-10, 14, 16, SmartGridComm 2014-15, VTC 2016, EUSIPCO 2009, 10, 13, 15, ICCVE 2012-14, IFIP WD 2009-11, WICON 2010, MOBILIGHT 2010, ITG Symposium on Electronic Media 2011, MACOM 2010-12, ITU Kaleidoscope 2011-14, ESTEL 2012-13, LATINCOM 2012, WSPLC 2016, and many others
2003-06. Principal investigator in EU FP5 CRAFT WIRENET for the development of a ultra wide band system for communications over power lines.
2005-08. Co-proposer of the regional project TECH-UP for the development of a laboratory for ubiquitous and pervasive technologies (2005-08).
2005-07. Scientific responsible for the University of Udine of the EU FP6 CRAFT project AGAVE about the development of a navigation system in industrial environment based on ultra wide band modulation.
2008-10. Scientific responsible of the project with the consortium Rinave for the evaluation of the power line technology in naval environments.
2008-11. Scientific responsible of the EU FP7 Integrated Project OMEGA about next generation in-home gigabit networks.
2010-13. Scientific responsible of the POR/FESR project LAK about integrated domotic services and networks.
2010-13. Scientific responsible of the POR/FESR project EASYMOB about indoor guidance/navigation systens for impaired people.
2011. Principal investigator in the project POLSAR (Power line communications for the Smart Grid) with access to the University of Strathclyde facilities under the EU FP7 DERri project;
2012-14. Coordinator of the project ESTAMOS (Electronics and Systems in the Electrical Car for Sustainable Mobility).
2012-15. Scientific responsible of the project Interreg IV Italia-Austria MONERGY (ICT solutions for energy saving in smart homes).
2015-18. Associate partner in the project EU project ADVANTAGE (Advanced communications and information processing in smart grid systems).
2016-19. Partner in the project ERASMUS+ SGT-MAP (Smart Grid Technology – A Master Program).
2016-17. Coordinator of the project OEAD Austria Mundus – TELICTA (From telecommunication engineering to ICT engineering: modernization of the curriculum through industry cooperation).
2017-20. Coordinator of the project ERASMUS+ KA2 BENEFIT (Boosting the telecommunications engineer profile to meet modern society and industry needs).
2019-23. Partner of the project H2020-MSCA-RISE TESTBED2 (Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling scalablE smart griD Deployment).
2021-24. Coordinator of the project ERASMUS+ KA2 NEON (Network of excellence on IoT).
2024. Tutorial at IEEE VTC 2024 Fall, Washington DC, October 2024
2024. Tutorial at IEEE MLSP 2024, London, September 2024
2024. Tutorial at IEEE ICMLCN 2024, Stockholm, May 2024
2023. Tutorial at IEEE ICC 2023, Rome
2017. Tutorial at IEEE ICC 2017, Paris
2017. Tutorial at IEEE ITEC 2017, Chicago
2014. Tutorial at IEEE ICASSP 2014, Florence
2013. Tutorial at IEEE PowerEng 2013, Instanbul
2013. Tutorial at ICC 2013, Budapest
2012. Tutorial at EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest
2012. Tutorial at PhD Summer School 2012, Bressanone
2011. Tutorial at IEEE SmartGridComm 2011, Brussels
2010. Tutorial “Spectrally Efficient Multicarrier Architectures and Algorithms” at MOBILIGHT 2010, Barcelona
2009. Tutorial about next generation home networking at WSPLC 2009, Udine
Keynotes and Invited Talks
2022. Invited lecture, 2022 IEEE–SPS/EURASIP Summer School on “Data and Graph Driven Learning for Communications and Signal Processing, Banja Luka, B&H, September 27, 2022.
2021. Keynote speaker, International Symposium on Power Line Communications, Aachen, Germany, October 27, 2021.
2020. Keynote speaker, International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0, Chennai, India, July 6, 2020.
2019. Keynote speaker, International Conference On Latest trends in Electrical Engineering & Computing Technology, Karachi, Paakistan, November 13, 2019.
2019. Keynote speaker, IEEE APAP 2019, Xi’an, China, October 23, 2019.
2019. Keynote speaker, Conference on Smart Networks: Learning, processing and communications, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 16, 2019.
2019. Keynote speaker, IWSSIP 2019, Oijek, Croatia, June 5, 2019.
2018. Invited speaker, EUW – Diehl Metering Event, Vienna, November 6, 2018.
2018. Invited speaker, 5G Summit, Thessaloniki, October 25, 2018.
2017. Keynote speaker, IEEE ICC 2017 – Workshop on Integrating Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grid , Paris, France, May 25, 2017
2016. Keynote speaker, 5th D-A-CH+ Energy Informatics Conference 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria, Sept. 29, 2016
2016. Keynote speaker, INTSIKT, Tuzla, Bosnia, June 6, 2016
2015. Keynote speaker, INTSIKT, Tuzla, Bosnia, June 8, 2015
2015. Veranstaltung “Aus den Leistungsvereinbarungen”: Kommunikationstechnik für smarte Systeme. BMWFW Wien 2015.
2014. Invited speaker, IEEE VT Distinguished Lecturers Day, University of Belfort, France, Oct. 23, 2014
2014. Keynote speaker, ERK 2014, Portoroz, Slovenia, 22 Sept. 2014
2014. Keynote speaker, European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference, Milan, Italy, 11 Sept. 2014.
2013. Keynote speaker at ISWCS 2013
2013. Keynote speaker at IEEE PowerEng 2013
2012. Invited speaker, Telecoms for Smart Grid, 2012, London
2012. Invited talk at Research Days, Klagenfurt (2012)
2010. Invited talk at Hi.Tech.Expo (HTE) Milan about infomobility systems, Nov. 17, 2010
2012. Distinguished lecturer seminar about “PLC” at the IEEE VTS Chapter, Thessaloniki, 2012
2010. Lectures within the RAENG Distinguished Visiting Fellowship scheme in 2010 at the University of Strathclyde, University of Edinburg, University of Southampton, University of Lancaster
2009. Seminar “Advances in Filter Bank Modulation for High Speed Power Line Communications” at the Telecommunications Forum, organized by FTW and TU Wien (Dec. 18, 2009)
2024. Panelist, The Role of PLC in Addressing Future Requirements of the Smart Grid: Integrating Metering and Flexibility Services through AI and Edge Computing, IEEE SmartGridComm 2024, Oslo, September 2024.
2020. Panelist-chair, Industry and standards panel, IEEE ISPLC 2020, Malaga, May 13, 2020.
2019. Panelist-chair, State of industry and standardization, IEEE ISPLC 2019, Prague, April 4, 2019.
2018. Panelist, VDE Tec Summit 2018, Berlin, November 14, 2018.
2018. Panelist-chair, Is it all for PLC or what next ? IEEE ISPLC 2018, Manchester, April 9, 2018.
2016. Panelist, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Forum, Boston, July 19, 2016
2014. Panelist, IEEE SmartGridComm 2014, Venice, Italy, November 4, 2014
2014. Panelist IEEE ISPLC 2014, Glasgow
2013. Panelist at IEEE Early Career Faculty Development 2013
2012. Panelist, IEEE Region 8 Webinar, 2012
2011. Panelist on sustainable mobility on national TV “RAI Dixit Scienza”, June 21, 2011
2011. Panelist “OMEGA challenges and achievements”, OMEGA Open Event, Rennes, Feb. 23, 2011